Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Everyday we all learn something.

If you feel you're different from everybody else; like they all seem to have something you don't, then you need to learn to love yourself a little more.

If you managed to make it this far, imagine how much stronger you've become.

Take strength from people who care about you, or the things you care about.

You may your way through the world yourself.
You're the one who survived the darkest places.
You forged a path of your own to reach your goals, one at a time.
Forge that path a little bigger, allow the weaker others to walk in your footsteps, in your stead.

We may dream big, but unnoticed by us, many people have little dreams that we're already living.

What i'm saying is, do something concrete and pave the way for others to may their way in the world. If you don't reach your dream, and you realise it may not be anyway, help others with theirs, who genuinely need it.