Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zig-zagging my way though life.

I wish i know what i want. I don't even have a particular dream anymore, i don't know what motivates me and i no longer know what lights me up anymore.

I do. I can make a list of things i want, but they're merely things i want in my life to improve. You know every kid dreams of being someone big or doing something special? when i dream of my future, my dreams confuse me. And i'm twenty and at the end of youth. Something come on....

Sunday, May 30, 2010

A change could be fresh.

I have absolutely no idea why i'm blogging. Force of habit i think. Since I completely changed my blog(although the address remains) i do not think my friends would notice it, so like i said, force of habit.

Graduation Day happened like a flash of lightning but it was good to see my old friends again. It was sad leaving the school. 'Course, not all were happy memories there but that's the point, it's the happy memories that made me miss it.

Subra and Liah and I will be meeting up. I'm tired of argueing or what other differences that could occur, when we meet i'll just throw caution to the winds and let things be. I just want to bond with my friends again. I made a step, i don't know if they do because of what happened.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 9.

I've finally got back in contact with another dear old friend. So glad and happy. The last time we talked which was many years back we forgot to exchange email adds with each other. Now she's on the other side of the planet so i hope to get a good job so one day we can visit each other since money's another thing.

I like seeing my younger cousins grow up, although there are certain moments i fear for them from making mistakes i've witnessed in my own life. Then again, what's the point of protecting them if they can't lIve a life. So thereupon, although it hurts me to see them get hurt or fear for them with they embarking on a test, its okay to advice them just a little and let them make their own mistakes. Its how we all grow up.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Before the Graduation.

The Graduation ceremony's coming soon and I'm feeling sort of sad because they've decided to seperate the ceremony into different sections for each school. Sigh, that means my close friends and I won't be able to graduate together.

My academic results were released today. I was sort of half-expecting them, but it was still a pleasant surprise. I'm done grieving, I just pray they'll be able to get me into a university.

Right now my family's firmly got my back - i'm very grateful for that.